Welcome June


Far up in the deep blue sky, Great white clouds are floating by; All the world is dressed in green; Many happy birds are seen, Roses bright and sunshine clear Show that lovely June is here. ~ F. G. Sanders

Remaining Positive


One of the challenges of this mortal experience is to not allow the stresses and strain of life to get the better of us…

Ep 28. Planting Seeds


I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I love plants and the lessons that they can teach us. So today, we’re talking about Planting Seeds.



To Everything there is a season,
Someone wiser than me has said
Spring when you wake in the morning,
Winter when you go to bed.


Estimated Reading Time 1 MinutesTo everything there is a season, Someone wiser than I has said. Spring when you wake in the morning, Winter when you go to bed. I’ve…