Ep 71. I Believe In Christ


Estimated Reading Time 13 Minutes

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Hey You! Welcome to The Vibrant Life Podcast. I’m Emily Romrell and it’s delightful to reconnect with you. There have been some pretty big gaps in my episode releases lately. Life has a knack for throwing curveballs, right? I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each one of you for sticking with me. Your unwavering support means the world, and it’s one of the reasons I’m here today, eager to dive into a topic close to my heart.

If you are a fan of The Vibrant Life Podcast, I’d be thrilled if you could help spread the word. Sharing this podcast with your friends and family is like passing on a great book recommendation – it can bring a lot of joy. You can listen on all major platforms. And if you’re into social media, why not share it there too? Your support means a lot and helps me reach more people. So, go ahead, and share The Vibrant Life Podcast with your loved ones and your followers. Thanks for being part of The Vibrant Life community and for helping me inspire more lives!

Before we dig into the message today, I’m thrilled to announce the release of my latest project, “Po~Em’s” a poetry anthology now available on Amazon. These verses reflect my musings on the meaning of life and are a curated collection of the poetry that I’ve written over the course of my life. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it, so do check it out!

An all-new updated version of The Vibrant Life Goal Planner is also available on Amazon right now. I created this planner for myself to help me be more productive and proactive in my life. There are a million different planners out there but I know that if you use this planner consistently it will truly help you live your best life.

I designed The Vibrant Life Goal Planner is designed with proven principles to help you succeed. This all-inclusive goal tracker, calendar, and personal journal will maximize your potential and help you create a life you love. Make this planner a daily companion and you will be amazed at the growth and progress you can achieve. Nothing is impossible! Live a balanced life built around core values, find joy in recording daily triumphs and downfalls, and record meaningful thoughts and impressions as inspiration strikes. Get Your Vibrant Life Goal Planner and start living your vibrant life today!

Either of these items would make amazing Christmas gifts! I’m just sayin’!

Last night I had the opportunity to attend the Orem Utah Temple open house, and it was a beautiful experience in every way. The temple’s intricate architecture and serene atmosphere create a space that feels truly sacred. As I walked through its halls and contemplated the purpose of this holy place, I was overwhelmed by a profound sense of peace and joy. The attention to detail and the symbolism woven into every corner of the Temple testifies to the deep reverence and significance of the work that takes place within those walls.

The Orem Utah Temple is opening its doors to the public for a captivating open-house experience from now through Saturday, December 16(excluding Sundays and Thanksgiving Day). I’ll put a link to the website in the show notes if you want more information. The temple open house welcomes people of all backgrounds to explore its beautiful craftsmanship and learn about its spiritual significance. Whether you’re a long-time member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or someone seeking to understand more about the faith, this is a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and purpose of the temple. Mark your calendars and join us for an enriching experience that extends beyond architectural marvels to a profound sense of peace and reverence dedicated to the worship of Jesus Christ.

I’ve had the privilege of attending the temple quite a bit recently, and I am so grateful. But last night at the temple that is literally opening up less than a mile from where I grew up served as a powerful reinforcement of the feelings that have been guiding me throughout the creation of this episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast. It reminded me of the importance of sharing my testimony of Jesus Christ with the world. The temple, as a place of worship and reflection, intensified my commitment to express the joy and gratitude that comes from knowing and following the Savior. The profound sense of peace and spiritual clarity I felt during the open house underscored the need to continue spreading messages of hope, faith, and love through this podcast. So, as I put the finishing touches on this episode, I am renewed with conviction to share my testimony and the goodness of the gospel with all who will listen.

So I bet you can guess what I want to talk to you about today. I want to share why I believe in Jesus Christ. If you’ve listened to this podcast, you know that I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Being part of the LDS Church has had a great impact on my life. The sense of community and support it offers has been a tremendous blessing. Weekly worship services, activities, and service projects have allowed me to connect with others who share my beliefs and values. I’ve made friendships that will last forever. This community has not only enriched my life but has also helped me grow spiritually and personally. You can find out more about my faith and what we believe by visiting churchofjesuschrist.org or clicking the link in the show notes.

I think a big lie that we’re being sold right now is that you can’t tolerate, let alone be friends with anyone who has a different view or lifestyle than you do. It’s frustrating. I have friends who have very different beliefs and backgrounds and I’m thankful for them. But I do think we have to be willing to move forward with dignity and respect. If you have different views, I hope you will stay and keep listening to the podcast. I love and appreciate you. And I believe there is still a lot you can gain from this show.

My faith in Jesus Christ has been a steady anchor in the sometimes stormy seas of life. It’s been bolstered by the beauty of nature, the lessons I’ve learned through personal challenges, and the knowledge that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know and love us as individuals. So, let’s explore these facets of my faith, and I hope it resonates with your journey as well.

I feel a profound need to bear my personal testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. A week or so ago, I again found myself in the temple, and as I meditated in that beautiful place, I felt the strong impression that we need to stand up more than ever for our beliefs in a world that is becoming increasingly divided and dangerous. I also realized that faith in the Savior can help us navigate these challenging times and serve as a beacon to help others find their way when we are courageous enough to share our own light.

I feel that it is critical to share our testimonies often, in our personal conversations, by example in our daily living, and in formal church settings. If we are willing to go out of our comfort zones and share the gospel, that will help to heal the world more than anything else.

Growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my parents were my first examples of living the gospel. Their unwavering commitment and dedication instilled in me the importance of prayer, scripture study, and faithful church attendance. Their faith served as the cornerstone of my own testimony. My parents are amazing and I am so grateful for them.

However, as I matured, I knew it was essential to develop my own witness. While my parents’ faith was influential, I yearned for a deeper understanding of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I wanted a personal connection that would anchor my faith in Him. This desire to bear my testimony not just with words but with personal conviction and hopefully also in my actions led me to study and pray for myself. And now I do know for myself that Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. I’m so grateful for that knowledge and for his love in my life.

The evidence of Jesus Christ’s existence becomes unmistakable in the beauty of nature and the profound thanks I feel for the gift of life. And I just have to say, peeps, Utah is one of the most beautiful places to live. Just tonight the sunset was absolutely gorgeous. Every day I go outside and look at the mountains and I am just in awe of their majesty. This world, with its intricate wonders, complex ecosystems, and breathtaking landscapes, reflects the design of a loving Creator. When I am outside in nature I am filled with wonder and gratitude. And when I feel the need to give such wonderful thanks, who do you think I am directing that thankfulness to?

Also, when I ponder the interconnections in the universe through the lens of science, it solidifies my conviction. I think it is common sense that God works through scientific truths and principles to bring about his purposes. Everything points to an intelligent Creator. It’s amazing to me how intricate and purposeful the creation of the world and the universe is.

If you have a more skeptical or analytical mind, there’s a great book I would encourage you to read called The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. The author is a former atheist who interviews experts in various fields about what evidence exists to prove or disprove the truth surrounding Jesus Christ. He is not a member of my church but the case he makes for Christ is incontrovertable.

Like many on their faith journey, I’ve experienced times of frustration directed toward God. The challenges of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain have, at times, led to feelings of despair and anger. However, through these trials, I eventually realized that if I was angry at God, then there must be someone who exists that I was angry at.

I’ve come to understand that there are some profound lessons we can only learn through suffering. There have been times that I’ve been lonely and in anguish over my personal struggles. But as I have prayed with a sincere heart, I have felt assurance from heaven that everything will work out and be ok. And during these times I have forged a deeper connection to Jesus Christ and a deeper understanding of his love for me.

In the New Testament, there’s a poignant account of Nathaniel, a disciple of Jesus Christ. His story is very short but it resonates with me because it highlights how the Savior is with us during personal and heart-wrenching times. In the book of John, we learn that Nathaniel was under a fig tree when he had some sort of transformative experience. Later, Jesus saw him and explained that he was there with Nathaniel supporting him. This is a testament to the Savior’s divine knowledge and His presence in our lives during our most private moments.

Another powerful example from the scriptures is the story of Nephi and Lehi, two prophets towards the end of The Book of Mormon who were named after their ancestors at the beginning of the book. They were imprisoned and encircled by a raging fire, yet they remained unharmed similar to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Bible. This miraculous experience was a manifestation of the Savior’s protective power in our lives. What’s even more intriguing is what happened immediately after this ordeal. After this big powerful miracle. A still small voice from heaven testified of the truth of the gospel to the people gathered there.

In Helaman 5:30, it is recorded, “And it came to pass when they heard this voice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness as if it had been a whisper.” Sometimes if we are lucky we will have big miracle moments in our lives. But that is not required or really the thing that truly witnesses the truth to us. The still small voice of the Holy Ghost, a gentle and peaceful confirmation of the most important knowledge we have in life, is one of the strongest reasons I know the gospel is true.

Throughout the scriptures, we find examples of how the Savior is there for us personally and collectively in our trials. In Isaiah 41:10, it says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” These words resonate deeply with me, serving as a constant reminder that the Savior is there to strengthen and uplift us when we face adversity.

Additionally, in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord assures us in section 84, verse 88: “And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” I know that there are angels around us, helping us all the time.

Jesus suffered and experienced everything that we have or will experience, He knows how to be with us during our hardest challenges. He doesn’t shy away from our pain but embraces it with understanding and compassion. It’s during these moments of suffering that we may feel His love the most if we are looking for it. His presence is a source of strength, guiding us through our trials and reminding us that we are never alone.

In the New Testament, the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11) is a poignant illustration of His compassion and understanding. When the scribes and Pharisees brought her forward, ready to stone her, Jesus responded not with condemnation but with a profound understanding of her pain. He invited her to “go and sin no more,” showcasing His compassion and His belief in her capacity for change.

Furthermore, the Savior’s infinite compassion and the power of the Atonement is beautifully demonstrated through the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). In this story, a wayward son who squandered his inheritance returns in a state of despair, feeling unworthy. Yet, his father’s compassion and patience are evident as he runs to embrace his son, symbolizing the Savior’s open arms for all who turn to Him in repentance.

Modern-day prophets and apostles have consistently reaffirmed these divine attributes of Christ. President Russell M. Nelson, in a conference talk titled Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives, emphasized the importance of the Savior’s understanding and compassion, highlighting how Jesus “can comfort and sustain anyone in their suffering.” He encouraged us to “approach Him, apply His atoning teachings, and embrace the healing power of His grace.”

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, in his conference address titled The Ministry of Reconciliation, spoke of the Savior’s enduring patience with us. He reminded us that the Lord’s “mercy always exceeds His wrath,” emphasizing that through the process of repentance, we become more like Him and gain the strength to overcome our suffering.

In addition to these insights, I want to testify that both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know us intimately. They are loving family members who delight in our individual personalities. While we honor and worship them with reverence, they are also those who know us and love us best. The knowledge that God is aware of our unique attributes and celebrates our individuality is a source of immense comfort and validation. Just as we feel gratitude for the blessings they bestow upon us, they, in turn, are grateful for our presence in their eternal family. I think it will surprise us just how well we know them and how well they know us when we graduate from this life.

The Book of Mormon has also played a pivotal role in strengthening my testimony. The Book of Mormon serves as a powerful companion to the Bible, offering additional insights that affirm Jesus as the Christ. Just as the Bible provides a foundational witness of our Savior, the Book of Mormon beautifully echoes and deepens our understanding of His divinity. One remarkable example is found in 3 Nephi 17, where the resurrected Christ personally ministers to the people in the Americas. In this chapter, we witness his boundless love as he blesses the children one by one, expressing his desire that all should come unto him.

In Moroni 10:32, where we are encouraged to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in Him.” The Book of Mormon emphasizes the transformative power of Christ’s love and atonement, underscoring His central role in our lives. It serves as a compelling testament, side by side with the Bible, that Jesus is indeed the Christ, our Redeemer, and the source of boundless love and grace. I strongly encourage you to read the Book of Mormon. Give it a chance and pray about what you read. It will change your life. There’s a link where you can get a free Book of Mormon in the show notes.

Throughout my spiritual journey, I’ve received unmistakable impressions from the Spirit that testify to the truthfulness of the gospel. These impressions are not mere inklings; they are divine directives. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know that we have a modern-day prophet in Pres. Russell M. Nelson. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it’s real scripture meant for us today. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know that our temples are truly houses of The Lord and that they allow us to receive the light and knowledge we need to find eternal happiness.

With these combined experiences, whether from personal revelation, the marvels of nature, the wisdom shared during General Conferences, or the insights from the scriptures, my belief in Jesus Christ has evolved into a deep-seated knowledge. With this knowledge comes a commitment to declare, live, and share my faith in the Savior. It’s not just a matter of words; my testimony shapes my life and guides my journey. I hope I can be someone the Lord can count on. I want to be an instrument in his hands and I want to have his image in my countenance. Not because I want attention or acclaim, I want to be like the Savior and grow into my highest potential. I have a similar hope for you too.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast. It’s been a sincere and heartfelt experience as I put my thoughts together today, and I hope you’ve found inspiration and purpose as well. It means a lot for you to share a few minutes of your day with me. Until next time, Live The Vibrant Life!

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