Ep 80. Take The Leap


Estimated Reading Time 9 Minutes

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Hey You! Welcome to a special bonus episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast, where we dive into topics that ignite your passion and propel you toward living your most vibrant life. I’m your host Emily Romrell, and I’m stoked to be with you because today is Leap Day, that elusive extra day we get once every four years. Leap Day is a reminder that sometimes life gives us an extra moment, a bonus chance to step outside our comfort zones and embrace change. Today’s episode is all about taking that leap – whether it’s in your personal or professional life, or maybe even a leap of faith. Let’s seize new opportunities with gusto!

But, before we get into the heart of today’s episode, I want to remind you to grab your copy of The Vibrant Life Goal Planner. It’s not just a planner; it’s your guide to unlocking the potential within you, helping you take leaps toward your dreams and aspirations. And for the poetry lovers out there, don’t forget my book Po~Em’s, a journey through the world of words that encourages you to see the beauty in everyday moments. Both books are on Amazon and links to both are in the show notes – treat yourself, you deserve it!

I want to take a moment to thank all of you, for listening to this podcast and spending a few minutes with me each week. Your support means the world to me. I want to stay connected, so if you haven’t already, please hit that subscribe button. And here’s a little challenge for you: leave a review sharing your favorite episode or the one that helped you take a leap in your life. Your words might inspire someone else find the courage to take their own leap.

And, let’s spread the vibrant vibes even further. Share The Vibrant Life Podcast with your friends and family. Imagine the ripple effect of positive change we can create together.

Alrighty, enough housekeeping, let’s jump in and take the leap! I define taking a leap as taking some sort of massive action in our lives. It’s about stepping into the unknown, pushing boundaries, and embracing growth, despite the very real fears and challenges that might be lurking.

I think of people like Amelia Earhart, a trailblazer in aviation. When she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, she faced the fear of the unknown, the vastness of the open sky, and the potential for unforeseen challenges. Yet, she took the leap, setting the stage for generations of women to follow in her footsteps.

In her own words, Amelia Earheart once said, “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward.”

In Greek mythology, Persephone, the goddess of spring, was abducted by Hades and taken to the underworld. Despite the darkness and uncertainty of this new domain, Persephone made the most of her journey, facing her fears and undergoing profound transformation.

Persephone’s descent into the underworld symbolizes taking the leap into the unknown, confronting challenges, and emerging stronger on the other side. Persephone’s myth teaches us that even in the darkest of times, there is amazing potential for growth and renewal, inspiring us to confront our own fears and embrace transformation in our lives.

David’s victory over Goliath is a classic spiritual example of how courage and faith prevail against overwhelming odds. When facing the giant Goliath, David, a young shepherd boy, refused to be intimidated by the formidable foe. Instead of succumbing to fear or doubt, he relied on his skills, ingenuity, and his unwavering faith in God.

David approached the situation with his own talents and strengths. He wasn’t a soldier and didn’t know how to use a soldier’s weapons. He was a shepherd so he selected five smooth stones from the brook and took his sling, a simple weapon used by shepherds to defend their flocks.

As Goliath taunted and belittled him, David remained calm, expressing his confidence not in his own abilities but in the power of his faith. He proclaimed to Goliath, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” (1 Samuel 17:45).

With a single, well-aimed shot from his sling, David struck Goliath in the forehead which was the giant’s one weak spot, and the Goliath fell down and died. This was a massive victory for the Israelites. David’s simple approach, combined with his unwavering trust in God, proved to be the key to his triumph over Goliath.

This iconic victory shows us that success is not always determined by conventional measures of strength or power. We learn about the importance of courage, resourcefulness, and above all faith in overcoming challenges. David’s defeat of Goliath is a reminder that our greatest obstacles can be overcome.

Taking a leap in our lives can be scary, and it’s okay to be afraid. Stepping into the unknown, facing uncertainty, and shaking up our lives opens up a bunch of emotions. Whether it’s the fear of failing, the risk of losing what we already have, or just feeling uneasy about leaving our comfort zone, fear is part of the deal. But here’s the thing – feeling scared doesn’t mean we’re weak or incapable. In fact, it’s the opposite. Taking a leap means acknowledging those fears, staring them down, and using them as fuel to push forward. So, if you’re feeling anxious about taking a leap, just know that you’re not alone, and those nerves are a sign that you’re about to do something brave.

I love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Overcoming fear is not about eliminating it but about facing it head-on and moving forward anyway. The true magic happens when we confront our feelings and take the leap.

The legendary Tony Robbins offers invaluable insight into unleashing our full potential. In his book Awaken the Giant Within, he emphasizes that ‘The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.’ This statement underscores our limitless potential when our effort and ideas are coupled with dedication. I think it is so important to realize we have to be consistent over time. Taking the leap is the first step to get on the path. But you have to be committed and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I’ve put together a list of what I think are maybe the most common areas in our lives where we might want to take the leap:

  1. Career Change: Picture yourself, working in a corporate job for years, but harboring a deep passion for starting your own bakery. Taking the leap means leaving the security of your stable job, enrolling in culinary classes, and eventually launching your small business. It’s navigating the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, fueled by your passion.

  2. Expressing Feelings: You’ve developed strong feelings for someone you’ve been close to, and you’re ready to take the leap and share your emotions with them. It involves summoning the courage to express your feelings openly, even if it brings uncertainty. Taking this leap is about being vulnerable and opening the door to the possibility of a deeper connection.

  3. Educational Pursuits: As a middle-aged professional, you’ve always dreamed of pursuing a degree in psychology. Taking the leap means enrolling in night classes while juggling your full-time job and family responsibilities. It’s stepping into the academic world after years in a different field, embracing the challenges of learning and growth.

  4. Health and Fitness Transformation: Picture yourself struggling with your health and deciding to take a leap towards a healthier lifestyle. It involves committing to a fitness routine, overhauling your diet, and facing the discomfort of change. It’s not just about shedding physical weight but also letting go of old habits and adopting a new mindset for overall well-being.

  5. Creative Pursuits: You, have a hidden passion for painting, and decide to take a leap into the art world. It involves showcasing your artwork at a local gallery, exposing yourself to potential criticism and judgment. It’s breaking free from conventional expectations and expressing your creativity authentically.

  6. Social Connection: As an adult longing for more social connections, taking the leap involves stepping out of your comfort zone. Attend local meetups, join clubs aligned with your interests, and explore your spiritual side by attending church services and participating in church activities. Initiating conversations with new faces, attending social events, and overcoming the initial discomfort enriches your life with diverse perspectives and meaningful relationships.

In each of these examples, taking a leap is a personal journey. It involves confronting your fears, facing uncertainty, and committing to personal growth. In any scenario, taking a leap onto the path to a vibrant life means being brave enough to put yourself out there and doing the work.

In one of the first stories in The Book of Mormon, we find the account of Nephi and his quest to obtain the brass plates. We witness a profound example of taking a leap with the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Faced with the formidable task of acquiring sacred records from a powerful man named Laban, The Spirit was the guiding force that helped Nephi succeed. In 1 Nephi 4:6-7, Nephi expresses the uncertainty he faced:

“And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Nevertheless, I went forth.”

Nevertheless, I went forth. These words capture what it means to take a leap from a gospel centered perspective. Nephi’s willingness to move forward without a predetermined plan, relying on the promptings of the Holy Ghost, is a testament to the principles of faith and discernment.

Nephi’s story teaches us that taking a leap is not about having all the answers; it’s about trusting in the guidance of the Holy Ghost. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we draw parallels in our lives, recognizing that The Spirit can lead us in ways we may not fully understand at the outset.

In the narrative of Nephi obtaining the brass plates, found in the Book of Mormon, we witness a profound illustration of taking a leap with the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Faced with the formidable task of acquiring the sacred records from Laban, Nephi’s reliance on the Spirit became a guiding force. In 1 Nephi 4:6-7, Nephi recounts his experience, expressing the uncertainty he faced:

“And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do. Nevertheless, I went forth.”

These words encapsulate the essence of taking a leap within the context of Latter-day Saint teachings. Nephi’s willingness to move forward without a predetermined plan, relying solely on the promptings of the Holy Ghost, is a testament to the principle of faith and discernment.

Nephi’s story teaches us that taking a leap is not about having all the answers or a detailed roadmap; rather, it is about trusting in the guidance of the Holy Ghost, even when the path ahead appears uncertain. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we draw parallels in our lives, recognizing that the Spirit can lead us in ways we may not fully comprehend at the outset.

This principle is also taught by modern-day prophets and apostles. In Elder David A. Bednar’s talk titled The Spirit of Revelation, given during the April 2011 General Conference, he beautifully compares the process of revelation to a sunrise. He states, “The gradual increase of light radiating from the rising sun is like receiving a message from God ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ (2 Nephi 28:30).” Elder Bednar emphasizes that most frequently, revelation comes in small increments over time and is granted according to our desire, worthiness, and preparation. Such divine communications, like the soft rays of a sunrise, gradually and gently “distil upon [our souls] as the dews from heaven” (D&C 121:45).

As we take a leap in our lives, whether it involves significant decisions or smaller, daily choices, Nephi and Elder Bednar both remind us to seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Embracing uncertainty with faith and trusting that the Spirit will lead us remains fundamental in our journey to become true disciples of Jesus Christ.

I just want to bear my testimony to you that I know the Spirit is real and that we truly can be led in our lives when we live worthily and are open to the promptings of The Holy Ghost. I know that both Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, are there ready to help us, but it’s up to us to invite them to be a part of our journey. When we do that, we are so much safer and happier. I know this is true.

In conclusion, taking a leap in our lives is about confronting fears, embracing uncertainty, and committing to personal growth. Whether drawing inspiration from historical figures like Amelia Earhart and biblical stories like David and Goliath, or seeking guidance from the Holy Ghost in the gospel context, the common thread is the courage to step into the unknown. It’s about facing fear head-on, trusting in divine guidance, and moving forward with faith. Through this transformative process, we not only conquer challenges but also level up in our journey toward a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Happy Leap Day to all the daring souls ready to make the most of this bonus moment in time! I’m grateful for the reminder that sometimes life grants us an extra moment to step outside our comfort zones and embrace change. We can do it, and we can do it together. Thanks for listening and have a fabulous week! Live The Vibrant Life!

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