A Listening Ear


What is the most valuable part of a person?

A cunning mind? A heart of gold?
Broad shoulders to carry the load?

Maybe its better to be quick on your feet.
To possess a strong stomach if you dislike what you eat.

Each tiny atom it seems plays a role,
In keeping together the whole of the soul.

And while I appreciate each member’s place.
Lately, one feature means more. And in case,

You’re wondering what I’m taking so long to say,
A tightness in my throat tends to keep words at bay.

But there’s a reason my hand began these lines.
My heart wants to thank you for taking the time…


It means more than you’d guess.
When your mind is noisy and thoughts are a mess.

It’s hard to see through eyes that shine,
With tears and fears thwarting the climb.

When your feet get tired; knees wobble and shake.
Any movement you risk might be a mistake.

That is the time arms reach upward for help.
But Life’s lessons must often be learned for yourself.

Your voice cries out. No one seems to hear.
That’s when you need a listening ear.

A listening ear, near impossible to find,
When the world spins fast and people are blind;

Unable to see that the smile on your face,
Is masking the pain you feel running the race.

But somehow it happened, you heard my song.
When my voice was shaky and the words were wrong.

And the story’s not over, there are miles yet to go,
Before I feel confident on this long winding road.

But Looking back I’m simply astounded, amazed,
At the difference your listening ears have made.

So thank you dear friend for all you have done,
For being there when I thought there was none;

Who could hear my story all jumbled and sad,
And make me believe it just might…turn out glad.

Thank you. Thank you for listening.

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