Before You Argue


Before you argue with someone ask yourself, “Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?” If not, there is no point to an argument.

Tips For New Runners


At first, focus “solely” on form.

Keep your hips, spine, & neck aligned.

Minimize up & down movements.

Run in as straight a line as possible.

The quieter you run, the better your form is.

A Baby’s First Laugh


The Navajo have a tradition of celebrating a baby’s first laugh. After three months babies are closely watched for their first real giggle. The person who elicits the first laugh then throws them a party.

Put A Hand On Your Chest


When you put your hand on your chest, it lights up the same part of your brain as when you get a hug. Leave it on the chest for a few minutes and you’ll start feeling more relaxed and peaceful.

The First Computer Program


The first computer program was written in 1842…by a woman. Ada Lovelace, nicknamed “The Enchantress of Numbers” was also the daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron.

Ep 60. ABC’s For Difficult Days


A while ago I listed ways to cope with anxiety from A-Z. Often we don’t realize the benefit of our struggles until we look back. I’m grateful for these tools & today we’re running through the list.