Ep 5. Choose Your Hard


“Emily,” she said. “Life is hard. You just have to decide which hard you’re willing to live with. It’s hard being over-weight and not being able to be active and do things you want to do. It’s hard to change and live a healthier lifestyle and give up some of the habits that brought you here. It’s hard to stay home in bed feeling anxious and depressed. It’s hard to make yourself get outside and walk and interact with the world. You just have to choose your hard.”

Ep 4. Be An Encourager


Do you have people in your life that bring out a smile every time you think about them? People you want to be around as much as possible because they like you for you and make you feel so good. There have been a few wonderful individuals like this in my life and they make all the difference. Today we’re exploring how to become one of those people.

Ep 3. Choose A Theme For The Year (It’s Not Too Late)


Choose A Theme For The YearLast year my theme was choosing Faith over Fear, and let me tell you my commitment to that was tested in 2020. Not only did I have personal struggles, but the whole world seemed to be in panic mode over Covid 19, civil unrest, and many other setbacks. But my personal theme of Faith over Fear helped me to trust in a loving Heavenly Father even when everything seemed out of control.

Ep 2. Imposter Syndrome


The first step to overcoming any weakness is to acknowledge it exists. Just naming it removes a lot of the power and fear a struggle may have over you. So I’m getting real with you here and admitting that I really struggle with thoughts of inadequacy. I’ve allowed Imposter Syndrome to prevent me from moving forward in different areas of my life, but now the time has come to slay the beast.

Ep 1. Welcome to the Vibrant Life


If you don’t get anything else from this first episode, I hope you will take away this point. Trust yourself and follow those persistent promptings. They are guaranteed to lead you to good things.

You Too


Isn’t it amazing that the same God who created galaxies looked around and decided the universe needed you too?

How Firm A Foundation


This is one of my all-time favorite LDS hymns. I hope it helps bring you some of the comfort it gave me during these crazy times.

Em’s Kitchen: Homemade Bread


Easy Homemade Bread Estimated Total Time: 2 hrs 30 mins Makes: 2 – 9×5 inch loaves Ingredients 2 cups warm water  ⅔ cup white sugar 1 ½ tablespoons yeast 1 ½ teaspoons…

The Vibrant Life Goal Planner


The Vibrant Life Goal Planner is designed with proven principles to help you succeed. This all-inclusive goal tracker, calendar, and personal journal will maximize your potential and help you create a life you truly love. Make this planner a daily companion and you will be amazed at the growth and progress you can achieve. Nothing is impossible! Live a balanced life built around core values, find the joy in recording daily triumphs and downfalls, and record meaningful thoughts and impressions as inspiration strikes. Get Your Vibrant Life Goal Planner and start living your vibrant life today!