Everyone Has Demons


Everyone has demons.

I’ve tried to make friends with mine.

Not because I’m giving up the fight

Or I believe lies whispered in shadows.

When  monsters won’t leave the closet,

It’s a daily battle to get dressed.

Mental armor gets heavier the longer it’s worn.

Weapons in my mind wear out emotional muscles.

Acceptance is not synonymous with surrender.

Lincoln understood the best way to defeat an enemy.

Make him your friend.

I’m not there yet but I’m on the path.

Each new step brings more understanding.

Each resisted temptation builds strength.

Becoming acquainted with thoughts and feelings

Opens a bigger and more beautiful view.

Whispers may still be heard in the dark.

But interpretations give words their meanings.

 In hearing the fear yet remaining observant.

Love converts hurt into healing.

Demons hate change like everyone else.

But gradually, one step at a time

Along this road of love and life,

They realize the human spirit is indomitable.

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