I love my name, and one of the first reasons that I first picked up an Emily Dickinson Book was simply because she shared my name. But over the years, I have truly developed a love of poetry and the way it captures feelings, and human nature in just a few lines. Emily Dickinson has remained one of my all-time favorites, and as I have learned more about her life, I have gained an even greater respect for her insight and passion that was bottled up during her lifetime. Here is one of my favorite poems from this more famous sharer of my name.
I had no time to Hate-
The Grave would hinder Me-
Ample I
Could finish-Enmity-
Nor had I time to Love-
But since
Some Industry must be-
The little Toil of Love-
I thought
Be Large Enough for Me-
-Emily Dickinson-
We only have so much time in this life. Too many of us choose to spend it on Hate. Let’s try our best to put our “Industry” to work by loving others. Individually we will be much happier and the world would be a better place. We have to make time for Love.