Merry Christmas 2020


Tis the season once again,

To reflect on what our year has been,

In every year there are ups and downs,

But we didn’t expect that this time around,

A global pandemic called Covid-19,

Would send the world into quarantine,

We’ve had TP shortages, and face masks galore,

Now it’s working from home and less trips to the store,

We’re isolated with souls that are aching,

Some have lost loved ones and our hearts are breaking,

Beyond this we’ve had riots, wildfires, earthquakes and more,

Many are asking, what’s it all for?

People are divided both online and in the streets,

They want to know who’s side you’re on; what do you believe?

And with all the turmoil I’d just like to say,

Looking back I’ve seen a lot of good along the way,

Our focus has changed from a world of distraction,

To what really matters, we’ve been called into action,

I’ve seen connections formed in creative ways, 

Relationships matter more than ever these days,

I’m inspired by the service given,

By doctors and nurses, by neighbors and children,

All year long I’ve seen those who’ve made choices,

To come together and raise our voices,

And although the world can be a scary place,

There’s still a lot of faith in the human race. 

The Light of Christ is shining, do you hear the call?  

Merry Christmas my friends to one and to all.

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