Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude. ~ Lou Holtz
Virtually Nothing Is Impossible
Five Minutes Of Exercise
Remember that five minutes of daily exercise is infinitely better than zero minutes.
The Oak Tree
At my childhood church, an oak tree stands, With branches extended toward heaven. At a hundred years old at least I’d guess, What secrets it must hold in its resin.
What God Chose To Make Me
I’d rather be what God chose to make than the most glorious creature I could think of; for to be thought about, born in God’s thought, & made by God, is the dearest, grandest & most precious thing
The Answer Is No
If you cannot decide, the answer is no.
Ep 65. Green Flags
Today we’re talking about Green Flags and how it might be more effective and more fun to look for positive traits and indicators when you’re making big decisions.
Learning How To Be Still
Learning how to be still, to really be still, and let life happen, that stillness becomes a radiance. ~ Morgan Freeman
Salt Was Worth Its Weight In Gold
During Roman times, salt was worth its weight in gold and often used as currency. Soldiers were sometimes paid in salt, hence the word “salary”.
Whatever Your Heart Is Craving
Whatever your heart is craving, know that you can do it. You wouldn’t have the impulse if you didn’t already have the goods to make it happen. ~ Marie Forleo
Your One Wild And Precious Life
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? ~ Mary Oliver