She’s Gone


Tonight I woke from a bad dream, And it took several moments for reality To fill back through me the way you feel cold water going down on a hot day.

Remove Stains With Toothpaste


Have you ever unintentionally stained your clothes with ink or a pen? It should be rubbed with toothpaste, dried, and then washed. The spot will go away.

The Only Way Out Is Through


It frequently gets untidy while cleaning before it becomes organized. It’s the same with clearing your mind. Be persistent and patient as you travel your own path. The only way out is through.

Clench Your Fist To Improve Memory


Simply clenching one’s fists helps boost memory. US psychologists say clenching the right hand for 90 seconds aids in memory creation, whereas doing the same with the left hand enhances memory recall.

Less Gravity In Canada


Large parts of Canada have less gravity than the rest of the earth. This phenomenon was discovered in the 1960’s.

On Bed Days


When all your plans go up in smoke, The pain’s too much and it’s almost a joke, You try to sleep but dreams are invaded, By twinges, pangs, aches, and dedicated…