

All flowers are happy in their way,
But dear Helianthus you win the day.
Every aspect of your nature is sunny.
Even your face tracks its eponym across the sky.



As early as 400 BCE, Persians engineered ancient refrigerators called Yakhchāl. They enjoyed ice in the heat of the desert.

Ep 61. Be Not Weary In Well Doing


I want to share something dear to my heart. Obviously Live a Vibrant Life is a major mission statement. Another one that is tied in importance to me personally is Be Not Weary In Well Doing.

Before You Argue


Before you argue with someone ask yourself, “Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?” If not, there is no point to an argument.

Tips For New Runners


At first, focus “solely” on form.

Keep your hips, spine, & neck aligned.

Minimize up & down movements.

Run in as straight a line as possible.

The quieter you run, the better your form is.

I Will Endure


We all have our heartaches, our burdens to bear.

The older I grow the more I care.

Empathy has a bittersweet twinge.

I know part of your pain because I’ve been singed.

A Baby’s First Laugh


The Navajo have a tradition of celebrating a baby’s first laugh. After three months babies are closely watched for their first real giggle. The person who elicits the first laugh then throws them a party.