Plenty by Emily Romrell


Plenty is abundance in life,

Personal growth underway,

Happiness that no knife,

Can cut or strip away.

If you look it’s waiting for you,

Every single day.

It’s a wealth of experience,

And sincere trust in God,

A truth not mysterious.

Whether temporal or not,

We’ll obtain what’s required

We’ll achieve what we’ve sought.

We have access to knowledge,

Many opportunities for growth,

Let’s live now before our dotage,

Finds us filled with self-reproach,

Though we have plenty of time,
We’ll live with what we chose.

Nothing’s scarce, we’ve got plenty,

We can cultivate, receive, and produce,

Sometimes our hands are still empty,

But with what we’re given, we must make use,

We’re stewards of all the world provides,

We’re gardeners from roots to fruits,

When the bounty has arrived,

And the horn is full,

Pleasure is sharing with friends in life,

Greediness leaves you blue,

We’re here to help each other along the way,

In giving we each are renewed.

So be grateful for the plenty of life,

Be thankful for what you can do,

The blessings that surround us are rife,

And gratitude creates more room,

It’s all there when you choose to see it,
And your vibrant life will bloom.

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