

Have a bad toothache? Rub ice on the back of your hand on the V-shaped webbed area between your thumb and index finger. A study showed that this can relieve the pain by up to 50 percent.

To Mothers Who Aren’t Mothers Yet


To mothers who aren’t mothers yet I’m one of you, part of the set Of women who with empty arms And aching hearts, and wistful charm Long to hold a babe so sweet Next to your breast with love replete

The Lonely Ache


The lonely ache is here again
It likes to strike in the wee AM
Ghosts of loved ones haunt my mind
Some living, some dead, all removed by time
The deep ache hurts but pain tinges sweet
With memories renewed in each heart beat.
A pang of longing for special guests.
Who now only remain in my lonely breast.
It’s a paradox to have a heart so full
Yet also empty with this pain so dull.
And I wait once more for the sun to rise.
To renew my soul and dry my eyes.