Loving Those Who Bring Joy


Now, I don’t know about you, but just thinking about cheese instantly makes me smile. And if you’re a fellow meat lover, like me, we’re speaking the same language! So let’s picture that middle layer of lasagna—it’s comforting, it’s rich, it’s the part that satisfies your soul. That’s what this episode is all about: the people who fill us up, who make life so much better just by being in it. These are the people who leave you wondering if they’re angels in disguise. And yet, even though it’s easy to love them, how often do we stop to intentionally love them back? That’s what it’s all about today.

12 Tips To Take Nothing Personally


1. Pause before reacting to gather your thoughts.

2. Remember actions often reflect others’ issues, not yours.

3. Differentiate between facts and assumptions.

Ep 66. Misunderstood


Teenagers complain that no one understands them. But we all feel misunderstood at times. As we age we realize that being misunderstood isn’t such a big deal. It’s more important to understand yourself.

A Single Deed


A thousand words leave not the same impression as does a single deed. ~ Henrik Ibsen

If Someone Gives You A Great Gift


If someone gives you a great gift, take a photo of yourself enjoying/using it and send it to them. Sometimes that speaks louder than simply saying thanks.