Ep 66. Misunderstood


Teenagers complain that no one understands them. But we all feel misunderstood at times. As we age we realize that being misunderstood isn’t such a big deal. It’s more important to understand yourself.

A Single Deed


A thousand words leave not the same impression as does a single deed. ~ Henrik Ibsen

If Someone Gives You A Great Gift


If someone gives you a great gift, take a photo of yourself enjoying/using it and send it to them. Sometimes that speaks louder than simply saying thanks.

We Look Like Him


God our Father has ears with which to hear our prayers. He has eyes with which to see our actions. He has a mouth with which to speak to us. He has a heart with which to feel compassion and love. He is real. He is living. We are his children made in his image. We look like him and he looks like us. ~ Thomas S. Monson

Ep 23. When You Feel Invisible


And each week it’s been amazing as I’ve thought about what I want to share and how to connect with you. I believe that we can be guided in things like that and I’ve felt Heaven close as I’ve prayed to know what messages to send out. This week, I feel a powerful prompting to talk about feeling invisible.