Ep 86. Growing In Two Directions


Today we’re drawing fascinating parallels between plant biology and personal development. Have you ever marveled at the resilience and beauty of trees? They stand tall, branches reaching towards the heavens, roots anchored firmly in the earth. But have you ever considered the incredible journey trees undergo to reach such majestic heights? Let’s explore how geotropism and phototropism offer insights into challenges and growth. It’s truly amazing how many lessons we can learn by observing nature and how the world works.

Ep 83. Freedom And Constraint


Take a moment and imagine yourself on a rollercoaster, with the wind in your hair and the adrenaline running through your veins. You’re living life to the fullest. Now, in your mind strip away what makes the rollercoaster possible, the tracks. Scary, right? Without precisely laid tracks to guide the coaster, you get total mayhem. Life is a crazy ride demanding a balance of freedom and structure. To genuinely relish the highs and navigate the inevitable lows, we need order to provide us with a feeling of direction and purpose to enjoy the experience. Today, we’ll explore how embracing this balance empowers us to live a vibrant life.



Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle. ~ Helen Keller

Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh


Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh is helpful with insights on how to effectively manage all of the areas in your life. It’s a great tool to evaluate where you’re at and where you want to go.

Ep 5. Choose Your Hard


“Emily,” she said. “Life is hard. You just have to decide which hard you’re willing to live with. It’s hard being over-weight and not being able to be active and do things you want to do. It’s hard to change and live a healthier lifestyle and give up some of the habits that brought you here. It’s hard to stay home in bed feeling anxious and depressed. It’s hard to make yourself get outside and walk and interact with the world. You just have to choose your hard.”