A Chance To Start Over


Every day is a chance to start over. Any day can be bad, surely, but any day can be good, can be great, and that promise, that potential, is a beautiful thing indeed. ~ R. A. Salvatore

Stitch Together Something Beautiful


I am reminded that every day I have the chance to pick up a needle and some thread and add to the story. To stitch together something beautiful and unique… ~ Jerusalem Jackson Greer

Happiness Is What Makes You Pretty


I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness. ~ Drew Barrymore

Everyone Has Demons


Everyone has demons.
I’ve tried to make friends with mine.
Not because I’m giving up the fight
or I believe lies whispered in shadows.

Ep 9. Creativity


Have you ever heard the expression that someone (maybe even you) is not the brightest crayon in the box? If you are thinking that you’re a dull crayon than this episode is for you.