12 Tips To Take Nothing Personally


1. Pause before reacting to gather your thoughts.

2. Remember actions often reflect others’ issues, not yours.

3. Differentiate between facts and assumptions.

Ep 84. Hey, It Could Happen


Today’s episode, “Hey, It Could Happen,” draws inspiration from the 90’s classic, Angels in the Outfield. If you’re sporting a nostalgic grin right now, get ready for a treat! Growing up, this movie was a staple in my house, blending baseball, heartfelt drama, and a touch of magic. It’s a timeless tale that resonates with audiences of all ages, teaching profound lessons about faith and optimism.

Ep 66. Misunderstood


Teenagers complain that no one understands them. But we all feel misunderstood at times. As we age we realize that being misunderstood isn’t such a big deal. It’s more important to understand yourself.

Ep 58. The Power In Asking


Hey You! Happy Friday! I’m Emily Romrell and this is The Vibrant Life Podcast. Thank you for being here with me today. I want you to know that I do…

No One Knows Enough


Too often we jump to the conclusion that something is impossible simply because we can’t see the solution. No one knows enough to be a pessimist. ~ Wayne Dyer

The Dangerous Man


The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he’ll fight and die for it. ~ Francis Crick

A Moment Of Sudden Discovery


Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention, and many more people are capable of experiencing such moments than is sometimes thought. ~ Bertrand Russell