Ep 59. Your Side Of The Fence


We’re talking about owning your side of the fence. Why it’s important to take a stand about what you believe rather than being a fence-sitter & why boundaries are critical to living a vibrant life.

Ep 43. Less Than 100%


Today we’re talking about giving less than 100%. This is an idea that people have a hard time with but if you embrace it, it can make a big difference in your life.

Ep 33. To Be Or Not To Be Offended


I’ve been thinking about tolerance & how easy it is to be offended. Please keep an open mind & heart. I feel compelled to share some of my feelings & everything that I share is with kind intentions.

The Antidote To Armoring Up


When I feel myself reaching for my favorite armor (perfectionism, anger, being the knower, trying to control, emotional intensity, getting critical) I try to remember that the antidote to armoring up is staying curious. ~ Brené Brown

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown


Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.

Ep 11. Wabi Sabi


If when I say “Wabi Sabi” you are picturing the spicy green stuff that comes with your sushi, that’s not quite right. That’s Wasabi. I like sushi, but wasabi isn’t really my thing. But Wabi Sabi is definitely something I can get down with. In simple terms, Wabi Sabi is the art of embracing and appreciating imperfection.

Ep 10. Kimberly Romrell


Celebrate the 10th episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast as I interview my sister, Kimberly Romrell. We discuss life as single women, connecting with other people, the joy of service, and more.