Ep 52. Safe Places


I’ve been thinking about my message for this podcast over the last few days and I’m not going to lie, I’ve teared up more than once. It hits a tender spot in my heart. Today I’m talking about safe places. And we need more safe places desperately in the world right now.

Ep 49. A Ready Smile


One of the best feelings in the world is when you see a loved one and you see their face light up as they share a signature smile meant just for you. A simple smile can feel you right up with warm fuzzies. And if you get a hug too, whoa baby. It’s magic.

Go Out To Be A Friend


If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere. ~ Zig Ziglar

A Scenic Walk


A great way to connect and have a deep conversation is to take someone on a scenic walk. It takes the pressure off and natural surroundings put your mind at ease.

Ep 23. When You Feel Invisible


And each week it’s been amazing as I’ve thought about what I want to share and how to connect with you. I believe that we can be guided in things like that and I’ve felt Heaven close as I’ve prayed to know what messages to send out. This week, I feel a powerful prompting to talk about feeling invisible.