“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is…
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness is a choice. You grieve, you stomp your feet, you pick yourself up, and choose to be happy. ~ Lucy Lawless
The Answer Is No
If you cannot decide, the answer is no.
Every Righteous Choice
Every righteous choice that you make here will pay huge dividends now. But righteous choices in mortality will pay unimaginable dividends eternally. ~ Russell M. Nelson
On The Horizon
Sometimes I can rest on the horizon, Between consciousness and sleep. I hover on the threshold and the choice is mine: To wake up and face the day, Or to sink…
Where We Go From There
Even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. ~ Stephen Chbosky
Flip A Coin
If you have trouble making a decision, flip a coin. While you’re waiting for the result, your mind automatically starts to wish for what it wants.
More Is Lost By Indecision
More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision. ~ Cicero
The Universe Conspires
Once you make a decision, The Universe conspires to make it happen. ~ Paulo Coelho
Choose To Be Changed
When you choose to follow Christ, you choose to be changed. ~ Ezra Taft Benson