Ep 80. Take The Leap


Today is Leap Day, that elusive extra day we get once every four years. Leap Day is a reminder that sometimes life gives us an extra moment, a bonus chance to step outside our comfort zones and embrace change. Today’s episode is all about taking that leap – whether it’s in your personal or professional life, or maybe even a leap of faith. Let’s seize new opportunities with gusto!

Ep 79. Beating Boredom


Today we’re exploring a universal experience that often gets a bad rap: boredom. Picture this – it’s a lazy afternoon, the clock is ticking slowly, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling, unsure of how to fill the time. Maybe you have so much going on that your brain shorts out for a while. So you avoid everything and boredom from the monotony of your routine sets in. It’s a mental state we’ve all encountered, and while it may seem mundane, boredom shapes our lives in surprising ways. We’ll go through it all. 

Ep 77. When You Don’t Like Someone


Today, we’re tackling a topic we’ve all experienced – those moments when you just can’t muster up warm fuzzies for someone. We’ve all been there, right? Whether it’s your quirky neighbor with a lawn gnome obsession or that colleague who thinks sending emails in all caps is a great idea. How do we handle these situations without letting negativity take over? What if our feelings go deeper than that? Well, Peeps, today we’re going to explore all of it.

Happiness Is A Choice


Happiness is a choice. You grieve, you stomp your feet, you pick yourself up, and choose to be happy. ~ Lucy Lawless

Once We Believe


Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. ~ e. e. cummings

Learning How To Be Still


Learning how to be still, to really be still, and let life happen, that stillness becomes a radiance. ~ Morgan Freeman

Better Than Happy By Jody Moore


In Better Than Happy, Jody shows how a simple 5-step model she uses in every session with her clients can reveal the unconscious patterns of thoughts that keep us from deeper and healthier connection with ourselves, with our loved ones and with God. Jody then shows how, once we clear the debris of our unconscious patterns of thought, new streams of understanding of Christ’s teachings begin to flow.

Every Tear


While it may not come at the time we desire, every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin