Better Than Happy By Jody Moore


In Better Than Happy, Jody shows how a simple 5-step model she uses in every session with her clients can reveal the unconscious patterns of thoughts that keep us from deeper and healthier connection with ourselves, with our loved ones and with God. Jody then shows how, once we clear the debris of our unconscious patterns of thought, new streams of understanding of Christ’s teachings begin to flow.

Every Tear


While it may not come at the time we desire, every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

An Unexplained Dread


If you’re feeling an unexplained dread or angry, or upset, think about how long it’s been since you took care of your physical needs. A snack, a nap, or a drink of water will often go a long way.

Real Intimacy


Real intimacy is only possible to the degree that we can be honest about what we are doing and feeling. ~ Joyce Brothers

Ep 56. Valerie Payne


Sit in on an amazing conversation with Valerie Payne and learn how to build more unity in the world.

Ep 53. Compersion


Compersion is an empathetic and whole-hearted joy that we feel when someone else has a positive experience. You can think of compersion as a cousin to compassion.

The 24/48 Rule


If it still bothers you after 24 hours, speak up about it within 48 hours. It’ll change your life.

A Good Idea


A good idea is something like an emotion, you just can’t keep it in. ~ Kevin Costner