Trust The Spirit


The Holy Ghost translates and delivers our pleadings and praises to our Father even when we can’t find the words to express our deepest joy or darkest sorrow. When you can’t find the words, trust the spirit. ~ Ann N. Madsen

A Sharing Faith


Our Faith becomes stronger as we express it. A growing Faith is a sharing Faith. ~ Billy Graham

Gratitude For The Small And Simple


Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one’s voice. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

Ep 23. When You Feel Invisible


And each week it’s been amazing as I’ve thought about what I want to share and how to connect with you. I believe that we can be guided in things like that and I’ve felt Heaven close as I’ve prayed to know what messages to send out. This week, I feel a powerful prompting to talk about feeling invisible.