More Vocation


It is not more vacation that we need, it is more vocation. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Ep 82. Problems Are Forever


Today, we’re diving into a concept that might seem paradoxical at first: “Problems are Forever.” But before you hit pause or wonder if I’ve suddenly embraced pessimism, bear with me. We’re not here to wallow in the gloom of perpetual problems. Instead, we’re about to embark on an exploration of how every challenge, setback, & curveball life throws us is lighting our way to becoming the extraordinary people we’re destined to be. Buckle up, because this transformative perspective is backed by insights from modern-day experts as well as LDS wisdom. Today’s episode encourages to be problem-solvers & life-levelers. It’s pretty exciting!

Ep 9. Creativity


Have you ever heard the expression that someone (maybe even you) is not the brightest crayon in the box? If you are thinking that you’re a dull crayon than this episode is for you.

Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh


Balancing THE WHEEL by Dr. Daniel D. Sadigh is helpful with insights on how to effectively manage all of the areas in your life. It’s a great tool to evaluate where you’re at and where you want to go.