Loving Those Who Bring Joy


Now, I don’t know about you, but just thinking about cheese instantly makes me smile. And if you’re a fellow meat lover, like me, we’re speaking the same language! So let’s picture that middle layer of lasagna—it’s comforting, it’s rich, it’s the part that satisfies your soul. That’s what this episode is all about: the people who fill us up, who make life so much better just by being in it. These are the people who leave you wondering if they’re angels in disguise. And yet, even though it’s easy to love them, how often do we stop to intentionally love them back? That’s what it’s all about today.

Ep 88. Smudge The Judge


Today, we’re tackling the urge to judge others head-on, and trust me, it’s a game-changer. So get ready to transform the way you interact with the world around you, leave judgment behind, and step into a life filled with compassion, understanding, and vibrant connections.

Ep 86. Growing In Two Directions


Today we’re drawing fascinating parallels between plant biology and personal development. Have you ever marveled at the resilience and beauty of trees? They stand tall, branches reaching towards the heavens, roots anchored firmly in the earth. But have you ever considered the incredible journey trees undergo to reach such majestic heights? Let’s explore how geotropism and phototropism offer insights into challenges and growth. It’s truly amazing how many lessons we can learn by observing nature and how the world works.

Ep 79. Beating Boredom


Today we’re exploring a universal experience that often gets a bad rap: boredom. Picture this – it’s a lazy afternoon, the clock is ticking slowly, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling, unsure of how to fill the time. Maybe you have so much going on that your brain shorts out for a while. So you avoid everything and boredom from the monotony of your routine sets in. It’s a mental state we’ve all encountered, and while it may seem mundane, boredom shapes our lives in surprising ways. We’ll go through it all. 

Finish The Year Soft


Instead of finishing the year strong, why don’t we finish the year soft? Why don’t we finish the year restful and grateful for making it through yet another cycle around the sun and filled with the wonder and beauty that surrounds us on earth?

Every Tear


While it may not come at the time we desire, every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

Gratitude For The Small And Simple


Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one’s voice. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

If Someone Gives You A Great Gift


If someone gives you a great gift, take a photo of yourself enjoying/using it and send it to them. Sometimes that speaks louder than simply saying thanks.