He Loves You Today


He is not waiting to love you until after you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles. ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Continue To Show Up


Repeat after me… I will continue to show up for myself, even on the hard days. ~ Carol CC Miller

Ep 46. Routine vs. Ritual


A small lightning bolt of inspiration struck my mind and my heart as I contemplated these weaknesses. You need to transform your routines into rituals. The thought literally bowled me over and I had to sit down on my couch to wonder at the idea.

Ep 34. The Law Of Inertia


In this episode, we’ll take a look at how The Law of Inertia not only applies to inanimate objects, but it’s a principle that governs our personal lives as well.

Consistently Being


We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. ~ Richard G. Scott

What We Want To Be


We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. ~ Richard G. Scott

The 4th Quarter Is Nearly Here…


The Vibrant Life Goal Planner is designed with proven principles to help you succeed. This all-inclusive goal tracker, calendar, and personal journal will maximize your potential and help you create a life you truly love. Make this planner a daily companion and you will be amazed at the growth and progress you can achieve. Nothing is impossible! Live a balanced life built around core values, find the joy in recording daily triumphs and downfalls, and record meaningful thoughts and impressions as inspiration strikes. Get Your Vibrant Life Goal Planner and start living your vibrant life today!

It’s That Time Again…


The Vibrant Life Goal Planner is designed with proven principles to help you succeed. This all-inclusive goal tracker, calendar, and personal journal will maximize your potential and help you create a life you truly love. Make this planner a daily companion and you will be amazed at the growth and progress you can achieve. Nothing is impossible! Live a balanced life built around core values, find the joy in recording daily triumphs and downfalls, and record meaningful thoughts and impressions as inspiration strikes. Get Your Vibrant Life Goal Planner and start living your vibrant life today!