Studying or working in your room? Keep your shoes on. Your mind associates having shoes on with being busy.
Write Down Exactly How You Feel
Difficult emotions: anger, sadness, worry, or shame, etc. use up a lot of energy and brain power. Rather than letting them take over, write down exactly how you feel. Get it all out, then crumple up the paper and throw it in the trash.
The 1 Touch Rule
Once you pick something up, don’t put it down anywhere except in the correct place. This saves both time and energy in the future.
The 1 Touch Rule
Once you pick something up, don’t put it down anywhere except in the correct place. This saves both time and energy in the future.
Naps 101
Naps 101
10-20 min boosts energy and increases alertness.
30 min leaves you lethargic and groggy.
60 min improves recall of details like facts, faces, and names.
90 min improves creativity and helps emotional/procedural memory.
Swallow The Frog
Swallow the frog: do the task you’re least excited about first and things go more smoothly.
If You’re Coughing Raise Your Hands
If you’re coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop.