Ep 82. Problems Are Forever


Today, we’re diving into a concept that might seem paradoxical at first: “Problems are Forever.” But before you hit pause or wonder if I’ve suddenly embraced pessimism, bear with me. We’re not here to wallow in the gloom of perpetual problems. Instead, we’re about to embark on an exploration of how every challenge, setback, & curveball life throws us is lighting our way to becoming the extraordinary people we’re destined to be. Buckle up, because this transformative perspective is backed by insights from modern-day experts as well as LDS wisdom. Today’s episode encourages to be problem-solvers & life-levelers. It’s pretty exciting!

I Used Everything You Gave Me


When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, ” I used everything you gave me.” ~ Erma Bombeck

Always Continue The Climb


Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it. ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A Solitary Soul


I’m a solitary soul, without love at my side, A life alone, with just myself to keep. I’ve no hand to hold, no man in whom to confide, No comfort in the night, no kiss upon my cheek.

My idea of Christmas


My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that? ~ Bob Hope

Every Great Dream


Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ~ Harriet Tubman

A Love Letter To Myself


It’s been tricky, discovering who you are. And there is much more to learn, but that’s where joy and adventure live, in discovery. Remember that.

I Pressed On


Rearrange the letters in DEPRESSION and you get I PRESSED ON. Your current situation is NOT your final destination.

I Wore Lipstick Under My Mask


My mouth can’t help but curve upward even in hiding.

Hope skips counterpoint to each heartbeat at every encounter.

Crow’s feet crinkle in greeting every chance they get.