When We Can’t Find The Words


The Holy Ghost translates and delivers our pleadings and praises to our Father even when we can’t find the words to express our deepest joy or our darkest sorrow. When you can’t find the words, trust the spirit. ~ Ann N. Madsen

Ep 20. April Moody


Heartache, sadness or disappointment doesn’t have to cancel out happiness and joy and optimism… It doesn’t mean we’re faking it through life. If we’re being happy in heartache.

Ep 18. The Joy Of Service


As I was thinking about what I wanted to share with y’all this week, there couldn’t be a better topic than The Joy Of Service. This is perhaps the biggest lesson I’ve learned from my dad’s example.

Ep 16. Bloom Where You’re Planted


We’re getting down and dirty with our topic today: Bloom Where You’re Planted. I love plants, their beauty, and their variety. You could even say they make things vibrant.

Joy Right Now

The joy of life is that we’re living it right now.

Ep 9. Creativity


Have you ever heard the expression that someone (maybe even you) is not the brightest crayon in the box? If you are thinking that you’re a dull crayon than this episode is for you.