Joy In The Morning

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. ~ Psalms 30:5

Heaven Is Cheering You On

Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever. ~ Jeffrey R. Holland

A Giant Within

There is within each of us a giant, struggling with celestial homesickness. ~ Howard W. Hunter

Every Day Is Special

Don’t save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion. ~ Thomas S. Monson

Go With A Twinkle

Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life and look for its opportunities, and forever and always be loyal to the church. Never forget that you came to earth as a child of the divine Father with something of divinity in your very makeup. ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Their Story…

As we consider the pressing calls of those who need our help, let’s ask ourselves: what if their story were my story? ~ Linda K. Burton

To Be Offended Is A Choice

To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else. ~ David A. Bednar

Empowered To Act

The purpose of faith is not to change God’s will but to empower us to act on God’s will. ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

How Firm A Foundation


This is one of my all-time favorite LDS hymns. I hope it helps bring you some of the comfort it gave me during these crazy times.

The First Child…

The first child of God we must build up is ourselves. ~ Neill F. Marriott