What I Learned From Mexican Food


Last weekend, I went with some friends to a little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant in Orem, UT called “Mama Chu’s”. The atmosphere is a little ghetto, but the…

My Mind At 3 A.M.

Sometimes I catch myself watching “What Might Have Been Movies” in my brain. Glimpses of an alternate reality that I can see so clearly it’s “almost” real. Like a black…

Rain Dances

A million tiny blue droplets water the morning. A woman with brown hair and kind eyes looks up from the Times crossword puzzle she has finished.  She gazes out beyond…


To everything there is a season, Someone wiser than I has said. Spring when you wake in the morning, Winter when you go to bed. I’ve seen babies with December…

The Miracle of the Book of Mormon

What is the Book of Mormon . . . ? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-35gtKuWrD4&feature=player_embedded] Request a free copy of the Book of Mormon What do regular people have to say about it .…