Glass Of Water Manifestation


Ready to make your desires reality?

Try this technique:

1. Get a glass of cold water.

2. Hold it, close your eyes. Focus intently on what you want to manifest.

3. Visualize it as if it’s ALREADY yours. See yourself with it, feeling the joy!

4. Sip, swallow, keep visualizing. Repeat until the glass is empty.

5. Thank the universe. Believe your desire is on its way.

Serve It


Believe You Deserve It, And The Universe Will Serve It.

Be Loyal To Those Who Are Not Present


One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is to be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, we build the trust of those who are present. ~ Stephen R. Covey

Ep 21. Abracadabra


I’m fascinated by two origin theories. Either it’s from an Aramaic phrase avra kehdabra, meaning “I will create as I speak”, or It’s from the Chaldean abbada ke dabra, meaning “perish like the word”.