A Candle’s Flame


The human eye is so sensitive that if the earth were flat and it was a dark night, a candle’s flame could be seen from 30 miles away.

The World’s Longest Road


The world’s longest road to walk is from Cape Town, South Africa to Magadan, Russia. It’s 22,387 km/13911 mi long. Along the way, you pass thru 17 countries, 6 time zones, & all seasons of the year.

A Tomato Is A Fruit


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. ~ Miles Kington

Small Habits Are Underestimated


Reading 20 pages a day = 30 books a year. Saving $10 a day = $3,650 per year. Running 1 mile a day = 365 miles a year. Becoming 1% better per day = 37% better a year. Small habits are underestimated.