Founder Of Peace


Because Jesus Christ is the founder of peace, the most significant thing we can do to find more peace in our lives is to deepen our relationship with him. ~ John Hilton III

If You Are At Peace


If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the moment. ~ Lao Tzu

Ep 83. Freedom And Constraint


Take a moment and imagine yourself on a rollercoaster, with the wind in your hair and the adrenaline running through your veins. You’re living life to the fullest. Now, in your mind strip away what makes the rollercoaster possible, the tracks. Scary, right? Without precisely laid tracks to guide the coaster, you get total mayhem. Life is a crazy ride demanding a balance of freedom and structure. To genuinely relish the highs and navigate the inevitable lows, we need order to provide us with a feeling of direction and purpose to enjoy the experience. Today, we’ll explore how embracing this balance empowers us to live a vibrant life.

Ep 77. When You Don’t Like Someone


Today, we’re tackling a topic we’ve all experienced – those moments when you just can’t muster up warm fuzzies for someone. We’ve all been there, right? Whether it’s your quirky neighbor with a lawn gnome obsession or that colleague who thinks sending emails in all caps is a great idea. How do we handle these situations without letting negativity take over? What if our feelings go deeper than that? Well, Peeps, today we’re going to explore all of it.

Learning How To Be Still


Learning how to be still, to really be still, and let life happen, that stillness becomes a radiance. ~ Morgan Freeman

Put A Hand On Your Chest


When you put your hand on your chest, it lights up the same part of your brain as when you get a hug. Leave it on the chest for a few minutes and you’ll start feeling more relaxed and peaceful.

Train Your Mind


ht. Train your lips to speak words of gratitude. Train your heart to forgive when wronged. Train your spirit to seek peace in the midst of chaos. ~ Will Bowen