He Lives For All


He lives. Not only then, but now; not just for some, but for all. ~ Gerrit W. Gong

The Albatross


The Albatross is a large bird that can go years without landing. They don’t touch the ground for the first six years of life but soar continuously over the ocean.

You Will Thrive


No matter what happens in life. You can start over. You can continue to grow. You will thrive.

12 Tips To Take Nothing Personally


1. Pause before reacting to gather your thoughts.

2. Remember actions often reflect others’ issues, not yours.

3. Differentiate between facts and assumptions.

A Place You Go To Give


The only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place you go to give, and not a place you go to take. ~ Tony Robbins

A Passive Witness


If you struggle with meditation, imagine there’s someone sitting next to you. When thoughts arise, imagine they’re coming from that other person and you just happen to hear them as a passive witness.