March by Barbara Baker


A Spike of Green When I went outThe sun was hotIt shone uponMy flower pot. And there I sawA spike of greenThat no one elseHad ever seen! On other daysThe…

The Chinese Bamboo Tree


The Chinese bamboo tree teaches patience with style. You plant it, water it, and wait… and wait… for years. Nothing above the surface. Meanwhile, the tree is secretly building a vast root system deep underground. Then, suddenly, in its fifth year, it shoots up to 80 feet in just six weeks. The takeaway? Real growth often happens out of sight. Keep nurturing your efforts, even when it seems like nothing’s happening—you might just be laying the groundwork for something huge.

Ep 86. Growing In Two Directions


Today we’re drawing fascinating parallels between plant biology and personal development. Have you ever marveled at the resilience and beauty of trees? They stand tall, branches reaching towards the heavens, roots anchored firmly in the earth. But have you ever considered the incredible journey trees undergo to reach such majestic heights? Let’s explore how geotropism and phototropism offer insights into challenges and growth. It’s truly amazing how many lessons we can learn by observing nature and how the world works.

Ep 48. Dendrochronology


I’ve been thinking about trees and their rings and how this record of the life of a tree is literally written inside them. And the truth is human bodies keep a record too…the lives we live are written all over us.

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Made For Loving


We are made for loving. If we don’t love, we will be like plants without water. ~ Desmond Tutu

Ep 28. Planting Seeds


I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I love plants and the lessons that they can teach us. So today, we’re talking about Planting Seeds.

Speaking Kindly

If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do.

Ep 16. Bloom Where You’re Planted


We’re getting down and dirty with our topic today: Bloom Where You’re Planted. I love plants, their beauty, and their variety. You could even say they make things vibrant.