Simply Do What You Can Do


Please don’t nag yourself with thoughts of failure. Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. Simply do what you can do, in the best way you know, and the Lord will accept your effort. ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

Ep 84. Hey, It Could Happen


Today’s episode, “Hey, It Could Happen,” draws inspiration from the 90’s classic, Angels in the Outfield. If you’re sporting a nostalgic grin right now, get ready for a treat! Growing up, this movie was a staple in my house, blending baseball, heartfelt drama, and a touch of magic. It’s a timeless tale that resonates with audiences of all ages, teaching profound lessons about faith and optimism.

Ep 77. When You Don’t Like Someone


Today, we’re tackling a topic we’ve all experienced – those moments when you just can’t muster up warm fuzzies for someone. We’ve all been there, right? Whether it’s your quirky neighbor with a lawn gnome obsession or that colleague who thinks sending emails in all caps is a great idea. How do we handle these situations without letting negativity take over? What if our feelings go deeper than that? Well, Peeps, today we’re going to explore all of it.

Be A Giver

Be a giver: give encouragement, give service, give hope, give strength, give positivity, give love.