

Detachment is not that you should own nothing. But that nothing should own you. ~ Ali ibn Abi Talib

People That Do Things


I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things. ~ Amy Poehler

Consistently Being


We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. ~ Richard G. Scott

Life Is Never Fair


Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not. ~ Oscar Wilde

Dirt Paths


Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. ~ John Muir

We All Fall To The Floor


We all fall to the floor at some point. It’s how you pick yourself up that’s the real challenge. Isn’t it. ~ Madonna