A Time To Dream


I love the rich earthy smell
right after a storm,
The flavor of heartaches
washed away with
the rain,
The feel of the wind
dancing around me
as I walk barefoot
in tall damp grass.
This is the time to dream,
with misty rainbows and
a pale sun in the distant sky,
And an orange glow to
light my way back home.

Ep 24. Embracing The Rain


Rain is a good thing. If we can embrace the rain in our lives, we’re not only going to grow into better people but we’ll be a heck of a lot happier.

Emily’s Melodies


1- Rainbows Piano with Voice

2- Rainbows Piano Instrumental

3- Rainbows Acoustic Guitar

4 – Emily’s Theme

5- Better Days by Faith Hill (COVER)

6- A Simple Faith

7- Gypsy Child

8- Day By Day

9- Shepherd Song