FREUDENFREUDE noun / FROI-dən-/fró-duh / The bliss we feel when someone else succeeds, even if we weren’t directly involved.

No One Ever Makes It Alone


No one not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses ever makes it alone. ~ Malcolm Gladwell

Just One Star


We should be lifting each other up and cheering each other on; not trying to outshine one another. The sky would be awfully dark with just one star.

Made And Remade


I am made and remade continually. Different people draw different words from me. ~ Virginia Woolf

Ep 94. Everyday Acts Of Love


I’ve been especially excited about this episode because finding joy in everyday moments is totally my jam. There’s something special about the little things that brighten our lives—a compliment on quirky socks, letting someone ahead of you in line, or leaving a doodle on a loved one’s steering wheel. These small acts put the extra in ordinary days for extraordinary and vibrant lives.

Ep 93. Loving Those Who Challenge US


By loving those who challenge us, we unlock deeper connections and gain valuable insights into both ourselves and those we dislike. Like master chefs finding the perfect balance of flavors in a dish—sometimes it takes a little acidity to elevate the sweetness!

So if you’re ready to turn challenging relationships into opportunities for growth, let’s go!

Loving Those Who Bring Joy


Now, I don’t know about you, but just thinking about cheese instantly makes me smile. And if you’re a fellow meat lover, like me, we’re speaking the same language! So let’s picture that middle layer of lasagna—it’s comforting, it’s rich, it’s the part that satisfies your soul. That’s what this episode is all about: the people who fill us up, who make life so much better just by being in it. These are the people who leave you wondering if they’re angels in disguise. And yet, even though it’s easy to love them, how often do we stop to intentionally love them back? That’s what it’s all about today.

A Place You Go To Give


The only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place you go to give, and not a place you go to take. ~ Tony Robbins

Drift In That Direction


It’s better to hang out with people better than you, pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction. ~ Warren Buffett