Better Than Happy By Jody Moore


In Better Than Happy, Jody shows how a simple 5-step model she uses in every session with her clients can reveal the unconscious patterns of thoughts that keep us from deeper and healthier connection with ourselves, with our loved ones and with God. Jody then shows how, once we clear the debris of our unconscious patterns of thought, new streams of understanding of Christ’s teachings begin to flow.

Every Tear


While it may not come at the time we desire, every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin

Ep 61. Be Not Weary In Well Doing


I want to share something dear to my heart. Obviously Live a Vibrant Life is a major mission statement. Another one that is tied in importance to me personally is Be Not Weary In Well Doing.

The Joy Of Discovery


The Master could overwhelm us with his supernal knowledge, but he does not. He honors our agency. He allows us the joy of discovery. ~ Russell M. Nelson

The Way Through Difficulties


You need never be discouraged or afraid. The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith. ~ Henry B. Eyring

Trust The Spirit


The Holy Ghost translates and delivers our pleadings and praises to our Father even when we can’t find the words to express our deepest joy or darkest sorrow. When you can’t find the words, trust the spirit. ~ Ann N. Madsen