Our Faith becomes stronger as we express it. A growing Faith is a sharing Faith. ~ Billy Graham
Some Have Entertained Angels
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware. ~ Hebrews 13:2
When We Can’t Find The Words
The Holy Ghost translates and delivers our pleadings and praises to our Father even when we can’t find the words to express our deepest joy or our darkest sorrow. When you can’t find the words, trust the spirit. ~ Ann N. Madsen
The Greatest Form Of Charity
The greatest form of charity may be to withhold judgment. ~ Jean B. Bingham
Simply Do What You Can
Simply do what you can and do in the best way you know how and the Lord will accept your effort. ~ Gordon B. Hinckley
Always Maintain A True Principle
It mattereth not whether the principle is popular or unpopular, I will always maintain a true principle, even if I stand alone in it. ~ Joseph Smith
As You Consistently Give
I promise you that as you consistently give the Lord a generous portion of your time, He will multiply the remainder. ~ Russell M. Nelson
The First, The Middle, And The Last
The first, the middle, and the last thing to do is pray. ~ Henry B. Eyring
7 Blunders Of The World That Lead To Violence~ Mahatma Gandhi
Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Knowledge without Character
Commerce without Morality
Science without Humanity
Worship without Sacrifice
Politics without Principle
Living For Others Is A Rule Of Nature
Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. ~ Pope Francis
Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Knowledge without Character
Commerce without Morality
Science without Humanity
Worship without Sacrifice
Politics without Principle
Living For Others Is A Rule Of Nature
Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you. ~ Pope Francis