Ep 72. Cactus Hugs And Buffalo Storms


Today, I have two different metaphors to offer you: the idea of Hugging The Cactus and nature’s example of Buffalo Running Into The Storm. Life, much like a desert, presents challenges that can feel as prickly as a cactus, yet by facing them head-on, we discover the strength to endure and overcome.

Risk For Your Opinions


If a man isn’t willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he’s no good.~ Ezra Pound

Love Truth


Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it. ~ Confucius

Improving Yourself


Improving yourself is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others. ~ Dale Carnegie

Remove Labels From Containers


To remove strong adhesive labels from plastic containers, simply leave them in the freezer for a while. The stickers will peel off with ease.

Mental Time Travel


Mental time travel helps create new possibilities by contemplating new things. Use it to make future plans, prepare yourself for frightening situations, & find the drive to build a life you want.

Ep 70. Back In The Saddle


We’ll fall many times but in the end, we’ll surprise ourselves with what we’ve accomplished. The way is open & endless with possibilities. It’s up to us to get back in the saddle & seize them.