Kidlin’s Law


Kidlin’s Law: If you can write the problem down clearly, then the matter is half solved.

What Do I Have Time For?


Next time you have the thought, “I don’t have enough time.” Try asking yourself “What do I have time for?”. Take advantage of smaller chunks of time to do the things you can do.

Spend Money On Experiences


Spend money on experiences rather than things. Memories are more valuable than possessions, and they make a much happier life.

The Strongest Material Known To Man


Graphene is the strongest material known to man. It’s 200 times stronger than steel. It would take an elephant to break a sheet as thin as a piece of paper.

Once You Accept Difficulty


Once you accept difficulty as part of life, and as an opportunity to develop a stronger self, a stronger mission, a stronger empathy, a stronger love, everything changes. ~ Brendon Burchard



Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle. ~ Helen Keller