Ep 93. Loving Those Who Challenge US


By loving those who challenge us, we unlock deeper connections and gain valuable insights into both ourselves and those we dislike. Like master chefs finding the perfect balance of flavors in a dish—sometimes it takes a little acidity to elevate the sweetness!

So if you’re ready to turn challenging relationships into opportunities for growth, let’s go!

Be On My Own Side


I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side. ~ Maya Angelou

BIKE Affirmation


When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, reframe your mind and remind yourself of the BIKE Affirmation

Ep 84. Hey, It Could Happen


Today’s episode, “Hey, It Could Happen,” draws inspiration from the 90’s classic, Angels in the Outfield. If you’re sporting a nostalgic grin right now, get ready for a treat! Growing up, this movie was a staple in my house, blending baseball, heartfelt drama, and a touch of magic. It’s a timeless tale that resonates with audiences of all ages, teaching profound lessons about faith and optimism.

Ep 69. The True Love Of Your Life


When you think less of yourself, there’s less of yourself to give. Your talents stay hidden away, tucked inside your soul getting rusty. Who is that helping? No one, especially not you.

Continue To Show Up


Repeat after me… I will continue to show up for myself, even on the hard days. ~ Carol CC Miller

Be Who You Are


Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Someone out there needs to meet someone like you!

Water Your Flowers


Someone congratulated a friend and they deflected the compliment. So the original speaker said, “I’m gonna give you your flowers, you can water them or not. Water your flowers.