Taking Care Of Myself Is Loving Myself


I used to believe that I had to learn how to love myself before I could take care of myself. But I’ve realized that taking care of myself is actually teaching me how to love myself.

Wounds And Healing


Our wounds teach us understanding and compassion. Our healing teaches us self-love and empowerment. ~ Tracey Smith

It Doesn’t Pay To Get Discouraged

One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. ~ Lucille Ball

Make Every Man Want You By Marie Forleo


Estimated Reading Time 2 MinutesPublisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1st edition (April 25, 2008) Paperback : 192 pages ISBN: 978-0071597814 Thoughts: I like Marie Forelo so much I reviewed two of her books…