Ep 88. Smudge The Judge


Today, we’re tackling the urge to judge others head-on, and trust me, it’s a game-changer. So get ready to transform the way you interact with the world around you, leave judgment behind, and step into a life filled with compassion, understanding, and vibrant connections.

Ep 11. Wabi Sabi


If when I say “Wabi Sabi” you are picturing the spicy green stuff that comes with your sushi, that’s not quite right. That’s Wasabi. I like sushi, but wasabi isn’t really my thing. But Wabi Sabi is definitely something I can get down with. In simple terms, Wabi Sabi is the art of embracing and appreciating imperfection.

Ep 1. Welcome to the Vibrant Life


If you don’t get anything else from this first episode, I hope you will take away this point. Trust yourself and follow those persistent promptings. They are guaranteed to lead you to good things.