Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus. ~ Alexander Graham Bell
A Moment Of Sudden Discovery
Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention, and many more people are capable of experiencing such moments than is sometimes thought. ~ Bertrand Russell
Investigate Your Thoughts
Investigate Your Thoughts
The Color Of Its Thoughts
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. ~ Heraclitus
The Power of Awakening by Wayne Dyer
What you think about is what expands, so if what you think about is It can’t happen, then It can’t happen has to expand.
Write While The Heat Is In You
Write while the heat is in you. The writer who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with. He cannot inflame the minds of his audience. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Bonus Episode: The ABCDE Model
Hey You! My name is Emily Romrell. Welcome to a bonus episode of The Vibrant Life Podcast. That’s right, Peeps. This week you get two for the price of one.…
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie
A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but our attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years.